AGM & XMAS PARTY || Friday 29th November || Moree Services Club

Future Focus Forum

Young Aggies Moree presents their Future Focus Forum.

Following the success of the 2021 Forum at Pally Pub, each year the committee strive to continue this event. In 2022 and 2023 the event was closer to home, held at the Bank Art Museum Moree (BAMM). For this years event we shared spaces at the Moree Town and Country Club.

This year our inspiring panel consisted of Sandy Bailey from Moree Real Estate, Teacher and agronomist; Libby Smith and Dick Estens from Grove Juice on their view of the biggest opportunities and challenges to come in the next 10 years in the Moree Plains Shire, with agriculture and it's supporting industries as their main focus.

Thank you to the Moree Town and Country Club for hosting us this year.
Dinner was provided by the lovely Phoebe Watts from Phoebe's Taste, thankyou Phoebe!

#youngaggies #moreeplainsshirecouncil #mymoree #upandcoming #forwardthinking #discussionpanel